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Sunday, September 11, 2016


If there is a topic you would like addressed just let me know.  Before we left I had a request from a friend for a description about trash and recycling.  Here is what she wrote about the topic when she was on leave.

It seems that every few blocks there's a set of containers.
This one is outside a grocery store.  I have also seen them next to parks and by plazas.

Not every set has a box for clothing, but there are a lot them around.

Glass recycling goes here.

Paper recycling here.
There is a little picture showing what is okay and what is not.

Plastic bottles can go here, but not other plastic things (they show a rubber ducky).
Cans also go in here.
It also lists brick, which might be the tetra pak containers, like juice boxes.

Food and yard scraps go here.

What is interesting is that people put their bags in, too.
I am not quite sure how this system works, but I do know it is emptied daily.
The final container is for trash.
I have see a few of these e-waste/other containers around town.
This one is on the other side of the grocery store.

Friday D. saw a truck removing some trash containers that were below ground level.  I will have to get him to do a guest post about it.

1 comment:

  1. So, there is no household pickup? You have to take everything to a container? That'll keep you walking!
