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Tuesday, September 13, 2016


The options are becoming more clear.

The facility that is closest to us is for elite athletes who are sponsored by their federation.  It would be a bit like showing up in Colorado Springs and asking to use the pool a the US Olympic training facility.

I searched for a pool near me and found one that was only 20€ a month if I wanted to only swim and not use other parts of the facility.  But then I looked on the map and found it wasn't in Sant Cugat, or even really close.
It says it is about 30 minutes by bike, but on my five-speed without bike lanes I am very cautious and slow.  I don't see myself being motivated to do this.

Today I gave our complex's pool a try.  I was told that is was about 15 meters in length and if I count my strokes that seems about right.  I made it about 900m before getting dizzy, either from the frequent turns, very strong jets, or the turbulence I created.  I swam another 100m to round it out.  It was nice to swim and to be outside, but it doesn't seem like a long-term solution.

I think I will try the pool at D.'s institute.  It is a 20-25 minute bike ride, or maybe more for me, but it has a few bike paths on the way.  With a family membership we could also use the climbing wall, which I think A. would enjoy.  And maybe there is a group that swims together at lunch time?  I'll let you know.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear there isn't more water. I keep asking my YMCA to make a pool-only membership, but they haven't. I've started to try the city pools. They remind me of Cumberland, even though they are indoors, just that sense that the locker rooms never actually get fully dry.
