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Friday, March 3, 2017

Not free

I feel some pangs of guilt for not supporting the arts financially and turning around and paying a lot to tour the stadium of a professional sports team. Parenting has lots of moments like that.

It does look just like a video game!

We saw lots and lots and lots of trophies.

There was a whole room for the basketball team.
which was formed 29 years after the futbol team.

I liked seeing all the logos,

some of the old equipment,

and I especially like the collections of pins.

In this room you could listen to some famous play-by-plays and The Décima Song.

It is a little nicer, but this part of the locker room doesn't look so different from my high school.

Of course the tour ends at the gift shop,

but we were able to resist temptation.

Now A. really, really wants to go to a game.  For me the tour of the stadium was enough.

1 comment:

  1. I love seeing behind the scenes areas of just about anything. What a treat for A!
