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Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Local cuisine

A month or two ago some huge, dirty scallion-type things kept showing up everywhere.

They are called calçots and there are festivals and events to celebrate them, a tiny bit like the artichoke and garlic festivals in California.

from google imagesThe traditional way to prepare them is over a grill
and then they are served in what looks like a ceramic roof shingle with a
romesco sauce,which is usually red pepper, nuts (almonds or maybe
hazelnuts), garlic, and oil.  Maybe salt.  Each one seems to vary a bit.
We do have a grill, but it is not on the same floor as the kitchen and it just isn't my thing.  So I would look longingly at the stories about them and advertisements, and even found a restaurant that sold them, but it was closed the day we were in the neighborhood.  I figured I would just have to skip this tradition.

Then D. and I were buying fruits and vegetables and on whim picked some up along with the sauce. I watched a video on how to eat them,

and then cooked them under the broiler.

Meh.  Some people liked the vegetable and some people liked the sauce.  I think the experience of eating them with a large group of people is what we were missing.  Maybe next year?

1 comment:

  1. So many new things!

    I hate messy foods, but it looks worth trying.
