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Wednesday, October 19, 2016


Yes, Florence = Firenze = Florentia = Florenz = Florencia.

In addition to the crowds and everything related to the church and House of Medici, there were other things that caught my eye.

Floors and other tiles - ideas for our fireplace in California?

This silver altar was in the Duomo museum and it is something that is better
to see in person because of the details, which remind me of the miniatures I loved as a kid.

Probably an art history course could spend one class on each panel.

Maybe that is where Mr. Rogers go the idea for the Land of Make Believe.

I ate pasta and pizza and had some wine, but I think the best food was the fried zucchini blossoms. And Italian plums.  Sorry I forgot to take any gelato pictures.
Pasta, chestnuts, persimmons, artichokes, endive (who eats that?), and zucchini with blossoms

I have so many pictures and it is so hard to pull everything together.  Today is just a mishmash post.


  1. I use endive the way some people use tortilla chips or crackers.

    The details on the altar are amazing! I wonder if I ever had that level of patience.

    1. Wait maybe that's not endive that I'm thinking of. But I've definitely had it in salads... maybe. I've seen it listed as an ingredient on menus!
