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Thursday, October 13, 2016


Over a month ago I wrote that my good thing of the day was finding a cluster of buckeye trees not far from home.

I was amazed that we were able to fill this bowl.
I learned that because I don't have competition from squirrels I could fill it each day.

This picture was taken before I got rid of most of them because the ones at the bottom were starting to get moldy.  Yech.  The good news is that I brought home about thirty on Tuesday and more today.  It is so hard to not pick up every single one, but I am learning to be selective.

I always have a buckeye in my pocket.  The unusual shape of this one makes it a keeper.
I do not use Pledge furniture polish on them like I did as a kid, but I hope natural oils keep them from getting too dry and crusty. 


  1. I remember the trunk of moldy buckeyes in budapest

  2. I had no idea you always had one in your pocket and I had no idea you polished them with Pledge! I guess I was more into the peanut butter and chocolate type of buckeyes.
