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Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Car stickers

When I started seeing a lot of bull and donkey stickers on cars I figured it had to be a political thing. Right!
The Osborne bull, a symbol of Spain, started off as an advertisement, but became so popular that when they tried to ban roadside ads people claimed it was part of the landscape.  I have not seen more the car sticker, but in other places there are t-shirts, key rings, etc.

A little over ten years ago people in Catalonia decided they needed a counterpart and chose an animal that is hard-working, stubborn, and able to endure hardship.  Not everyone agrees with those characteristics and think of the donkey as stupid, but it is still the sticker I see a lot of around here. 

This one seems to be an ad for Catalonian brand of cow.

All sorts of other animals are on cars including cats, butterflies, and lizards.

This is the name of the town because cu is the sound
for the letter q and gat is the word for cat in Catalan.

This is my favorite and I promise to write a post about wild boars soon.


  1. The Q cat is my favorite and it reminds me of Ramona Quimby writing her Q as a cat.

  2. Good blog and you have described in a very nice way. Thanks for providing such an informative blog. You can find more about car stickers in our website.
