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Friday, December 9, 2016

Whirlwind visit

A. has been doing some of the same work as his classmates in the U.S., including some of the readings.  He borrowed The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank and then expressed interest in going to see her house since he did not remember being there six years ago.

I didn't take any pictures but this video captures my feelings about the visit. 

After having poffertjes we decided not to squeeze in a second museum and decided to explore the town on foot.

This picture reminds me that we didn't see any Sinterklaas parades
and we forgot to put out our shoes.  Next year.

We didn't have time to visit the Rijksmuseum this trip but
we visited the gift shop, which was a bit of a tease.

The passageway underneath the museum is limited to pedestrians and bicycles.

I love the train station, but this picture does not really capture its beauty.
note - maybe it is not your thing, but I thoroughly enjoyed reading the obituaries about Victor Kugler and Miep Gies, two of the people who helped hide the Franks and others for over two years.


  1. I just left a long comment, but I think I didn't hit "publish" record here, right? -- Karen

  2. I notice also the the kids gave me the google name of "neurofreak". Hmmmm.
