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Wednesday, May 10, 2017

More fire

When life is full there is so much to blog about and not as much time to share. 
Here is a little post about the first day of the festival, which
seemed like a big production until I saw the next day.

As always we are amazed by the amount of meat for sale.

The words for food truck in Catalan are food truck.

And the word for bagel in Catalan is bagel.

The activities for little kids included a bounce house and this one-of-a-kind
merry-go-round powered by a person on a stationary bicycle!

There were also craft projects and and a play area.

We arrived in time to see a bit of dancing before

the goat's fire crackers were lit.

There was fire dancing and later fire twirling, too.
I thought my pictures did an adequate job capturing the evening until saw the video put together by the local magazine. I almost posted just this, but felt like I should make a least a small effort to write something up.

The merry-go-round is near the beginning - adorable! The video also shows a drumming session that we missed and some fire jump roping!

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