I was not surprised to see jamón for sale at this time of year. |
The candy was not surprising, either. |
At the grocery store they also sold palm fronds, which were new to me. |
Candy is sold to add to the fronds, like you would find in an Easter basket. |
Some palm fronds were sold with candy already attached. These were 40 euros. |
They are sold at the florist, outside the train station, |
and along the pedestrian street. |
Today I joined the crowds heading toward the monastery. |
It was hard to resist taking pictures of the variety of fronds and attachments. The elaborately woven fronds are intended for girls to carry. |
Boys carry the straight fronds and adults seemed to have laurel leaves. |
People gathered to hear hymns and a blessing from the priest. I have no idea if most people also go to mass or something similar, but I got the impression people were going to have a family meal after this. |
I am glad they had good weather for the holiday.
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