Carnestoltes (or carnaval in Castilian) was banned when Franco was dictator, but it has returned and looks to be something big. Stores have been selling costumes and the city put out the list of events. Here is the translation from Catalan.
"A celebration which will start on 23 February with the takeover Midnight Carnival, which will run until Wednesday, March 1, when there will be a procession for burial. Among other activities, will be held on Friday cercatasques and Saturday will be the day of the Gypsy Dance and parade troupes. As always, the more children will be the stars of Sunday."
I wish I could read the books for sale. |
The one thrift store has costumes. |
The party store has costumes, too. |
Super heroes are popular |
I was surprised to see what they call indi/india costumes.
This is outside a childcare place. |
I hope I'll have more pictures to post later.
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